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Things GNA Racers Should Know


Racers MUST attend one Mt. Holiday training and Wednesdays at Schuss. Sundays are optional.


Time Trials

Time trials are held in December as conditions allow. Racer spots will stay the way time trials determine (with potential variation at the coaches' discretion throughout the season.)



Racers are asked to help at preseason fundraisers as much as they are able.



If racers have an issue, we ask they address it with the coaches directly. Parents should not contact coaches until at least 24 hours have passed from the initial complaint.



Absences must be relayed at least 48 hours in advance to coaches by racers; illness excepted. Racers may be benched from racing if chronic unexcused absences are noted, even during dry land.




Snow days

No school, no practice. Coaches will text specifics about races out of town.

Team Conduct

All athletes will be required to wear team spirit wear and to sit together.

We are four schools but really need to care about one another and help / nurture / challenge each other to become our very best.

Athletes are expected to help each other, carry coats for each other and should try to be last off the hill, not first. Talk to everyone, rotate chair mates during practice, get to know the others. We encourage you to take risks, put yourself out there, be you and be fun.


Team captains

If you think you would like to be a team captain, you must arrange an interview with the coaches. You will be expected to explain what you think leadership means. Team captainships are an honor and must be earned. They should never be assumed. It is possible no team captain will be named.


Group Text

To join the group text, text @gnalpine to 81010.


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